12/26/2012 want to come to our wedding but don't want to get turned in to CPS for leaving your child in the dryer?  Hopefully we can help you out...

...but we're hoping to get some input from those of you who have back seats full of car seats, pack bags full of diapers & cheerios, and can quote every episode ofThomas The Tank Engine verbatim.   Below is a link to our "Got Kids? Survey"
Hopefully this can help us get a better idea of how many kids will be in town for the weekend and how we can help parents enjoy at least a little kid-free time.  Below are the general details to help you plan around the kiddos.  

Things Parental Units Should Know About The Wedding

1) The Rehearsal Dinner

This shin dig on Friday night is open to everyone, including ankle biters.  The weather will be hot, the pool will be open and there will be plenty of games and goodies for all.  So by all means, bring the little ones  We are still working out transportation to and from the rehearsal dinner (which will hopefully consist of shuttle buses at various times throughout the night between the Hilton and the Wenger Home).  But if you'd rather drive yourselves (in anticipation of an early bedtime or potential meltdown), it is almost a straight shot across the river from downtown Harrisburg to the Wenger Home (~15-20min drive).  

2)  The Ceremony

Feel free to bring your kiddos if you like.  We don't mind a little kid chaos (within reason)...and if the kids get too rowdy you can always take them outside to play on the capitol building's steps.  

3)  The Reception 

We've planned on the reception being a kid-free event.  But the good news is: 
- The Hilton is actually attached to the Whitaker Center (site of the reception) by a glass walkway, which could make checking on the munchkins reasonably convenient
- Based on your answers to our poll above, we're hoping to be able to coordinate some child care during the reception.  We will likely have a private room in the Hilton staffed by local babysitters and set up with a movie screen and projector to play entertaining kid-friendly movies and TV shows along with coloring books and any other kid-friendly activities you could suggest.  
- You can also opt to bring your own babysitter who could always bring your kids down to watch movies and hang out with the other little ones
- There are 6 McDonald's within a 3 mile radius of the hotel for easy access to Happy Meals as needed
- And of course, there will always be exceptions.  If you REALLY want to bring child to the reception, just e-mail one of us and we can work something out

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